Music Rhythym / Instruments / Songs

The music of Capoeira is integral to the art and lends historical insight to the origins, mestres, traditions of the art as well as Brazilian folklore and legends. The music acknowledges the slavery, oppression and eventual freedom that resulted from the practice of the art.

All of the songs are sung in Portuguese and the songs can comment on the game metaphorically or directly. They can acknowledge roots through places and symbolic aspects of Capoeira. There are also greeting songs and farewell songs.

Types of Songs include: Ladainha, Louvacao, Corridos and Quadras


The Berimbau is the predominant instrument of Capoeira and dictates the rhythm and type of game to be played in the roda.

The berimbau is made up of a wooden stick called the “beriba“, whcih is strung with a steel string, the “arame” to form a bow shape. The gourd, “cabaca” acts as a resonator and to make the sounds a stone or coin “dobrao” is pressed against the steel string and hit with a thin bamboo stick “paqueta“. There is also a small basket shaker called a “caxixi” which is used as part of the percussion.

Although this instrument seems simplistic, it creates complex sounds in both tonality and rhythm.

There are three types of Berimbaus: Gunga, Medio and Viola. The gunga is the largest of the three and has the deepest sound. Like the bass guitar, it sets the rhythm and plays the basic theme. The Medio compliments the Gunga by maintaining the rhythm. The viola, the smallest of the three, has the sharpest sound and is responsible for syncopation or improvisation. The rhythms of the berimbaus are known as toques and the toques control the type of game played in the roda.

Some of the more commonly played toques in our group include:

  • Regional de Bimba
  • Angola
  • Iuna
  • Sao Bento Grande de Angola
  • Sao Bento Pequeno de Angola
  • Samba de Roda

The other instruments in the roda are:

  • Atabaque
  • Pandeiro
  • Agogo


There are thousands of capoeira songs and new songs are being written and sung all the time. The songs are the heart and soul of the capoeira, relaying personal stories, legend and often times expressing the game at present. All capoeira songs are sung in Brazilian Portuguese. Many popular songs are sung by groups all over the world. We are always learning new songs and we will continue to add links and lyrics to our site. We are fortunate that today we have the technology to share songs rapidly and more accurately.

Below are some you tube links to some of the songs frequently sung in our school. We’d like to thank the capoeira community, students, teachers and mestres for sharing their music and lyrics on you tube for us all to enjoy, learn and sing in our rodas. Happy learning!

To help us keep our page up to date, please let us know if there are any links that do not work, or if you would like to see a song added.

  1. Um Pe Passou
  2. E da Nossa Cor
  3. Me Leva Pra Bahia
  4. Boa Viagem
  5. Sim Sim, Nao Nao & Vou Dizer a Meu Senor
  6. Roda Ja Commecou
  7. Rainha do Mar (Mora Iemanja)
  8. Zum zum zum
  9. Onde vai Caima
  10. Bem ti vi vuou (la la laue)
  11. Um dois tres quatro cinco seis
  12. AEIOU
  13. A hora e essa
  14. Jogo Praticado Na Terra de Sao Salvador
  15. Marinheiro So
  16. Palma de Bimba
  17. Eu Pisei na Folha Seca
  18. Meu Orgulho
  19. Capoeira e Ligeiro
  20. Sinha
  21. Tem que ter axe
  22. Paranaue Parana
  23. A capoeira meu amor
  24. Tava na beira do mar
  25. E me Leva na Bahia
  26. Bamba na Capoeira
  27. Quero Ver Cair
  28. E legal
  29. Vai colorindo
  30. Gostoso de jogar
  31. Tim tim tim la vai viola
  32. Boa Noite (Maculele)
  33. Senor Dono da Casa (Maculele)
  34. Sou Eu Maculele (Maculele)
  35. Puxada De Rede (song for folkloric fisherman’s dance)


Would You Like to Sponsor Us?

Each year we hold our Annual Capoeira Festival where we fly in Guest Instructors and provide a week of Workshops and Rodas. 

The week culminates in our Student Gradings.   

Please contact us for more information.